National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Cross-Disciplinary Program


本校以「偉大大學Great University」的目標和價值理念為發展願景,肩負追求真理、新知識和人才培育使命。為鼓勵學生進行跨領域學習,建立跨域學習深度,協助學生拓展第二專長, 本校以美國卡內基美隆大學(CMU)所建立的BxA跨學院學位,以及美國麻省理工學院(MIT)進行課程模組化,利用線上/混合式學習等方式,作為標竿學習對象,提出「跨域學程」。 本校從基本理念上變革,在不延長修業年限與大幅增加修課學分數的原則之下設計「跨域學程」,學生修畢所屬學系及第二專長系所或學院的跨域模組課程(BxA),本校將於畢業證書上加註其跨域專長。 本校「跨域學程」,以畢業學分不增加(或僅有少量增加)的前提下進行,透過彈性學分的設計,搭配系所核心課程的模組化,並以生活學習社群及彈學導師制度為後援,提供學生更大的彈性學習空間,也為國家培育具國際移動力的跨領域人才。

跨域學程,係指由學系、研究所,或學院提出跨域學程模組課程,模組課程應包含該領域基礎核心知識,且總學分數以30學分為原則(最低可為28 學分,最高不可超過32學分),學生修習跨域學程,其課程將包含所屬學系(以下簡稱本系)的跨域學程模組課程以及第二專長系所或學院的跨域學程模組課程,並可於畢業證書上 加註第二專長模組課程為「跨域專長」。

The cross-disciplinary program here means the cross-disciplinary module curriculum proposed by the departments, institutes or colleges. Module curriculum should include the core knowledge curriculum of the field and the total credits will be at the base of 30 credits (minimum 28 credits and no more than 32 credits). The cross-disciplinary program that students take will include the cross-disciplinary program module curriculum of the department they belong to (hereinafter refer to the Major department) as well as the cross-disciplinary program module curriculum from the second specialty department or college. The module curriculum of the second specialty could be remarked as “Cross-Disciplinary Specialty” on the diploma.


Students who would like to take cross-disciplinary programs must apply and be admitted by the Major department and the department or college of the second specialty.  The curriculum of the cross-disciplinary program must include required courses of the university (including 28 credits of general education subjects), core curriculum of the Major department, cross-disciplinary program module curriculum of the Major department, and the cross-disciplinary program module curriculum of the second specialty department or college (recognized as cross-disciplinary specialty). The graduate credit needed for this cross-disciplinary program is at the basis of 128 credits.


There are two approaches to realizing a cross-disciplinary program. One is to offer a cross-disciplinary program for students from other departments and colleges in our university, and the other is to set up relevant regulations and allow students at the Major department to take the cross-disciplinary programs offered by other departments. The departments or colleges could either implement both approaches or implement one of them based on their demand.


A department or college participating in the program could offer a cross-disciplinary program to students from all other departments or colleges, or to students from a specific department or college.


For students in the department that does not offer any cross-disciplinary program should file in the application form to the Major department and get approvals by both departments. The credits of the cross-disciplinary program module curriculum can be counted into the elective credits required by the Major department only if the curriculums are recognized by the Major department. When students aforementioned complete the required curriculums and credits of their Major department and fulfill the required curriculums of the cross-disciplinary program, they can have the second specialty module curriculum as “cross-disciplinary specialty” on their diploma.